Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Continued...

While the Easter Bunny brought Avery loads of eggs and toys, he unfortunately brought me a 100.5 degree fever with chills and bodyaches that have been relentless for two days now, even with mountains of Ibuprofen.  Therefore, I was forced to stay home and miss out on the Easter festivities. Josh took Avery over to my grandparents' house to enjoy the fun.  But her 75 minute nap in the car seemed to do more harm than good, and she woke up a little shy and confused. 

(Yes that is a pill bottle. But the pills have been removed and replaced with a rock. My grandpa made it into a rattle and she plays with it every time she goes to their house).

Hopefully we will have more smiles tomorrow...

Happy Easter!

Yep.... Another photo shoot that did not go as planned,
complete with clinging, tears, and pouty face with a bruise on it.

But after the usual coaxing with singing, clapping, toys and treats, we managed to capture a few decent ones once Avery decided she was warmed up.

Happy Easter everyone!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Early Easter

Avery got pink eye yesterday and is on medication but still recovering, so the Easter Bunny felt very sorry for her and brought her basket a day early.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Girls Gone Wild

Looks like Avery's shirt removal operation this morning did not go as planned.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Summer Sneak Preview

We had a glorious 90 degree day today! Since I didn't get to see much of Avery last Saturday, I figured I owed her a fun day.  Josh was busy all day with schoolwork, so Avery and I started out this morning with a trip to the park.  (I got her to let me put her socks and shoes on with the promise of going outside to blow bubbles).

After the park we popped into Target for some new clothes, water shoes, more bubbles, and a swimming pool.  When she woke up from her nap, we ventured over to Grandma's house to see the uncles and play in the water.

What a fun (and exhausting) day we had!

The Mischief Floodgates Have Opened...

On Thursday night at bedtime, we dressed Avery after her bath like we always do, with pajamas and socks. Except this time was different.  When we put the socks on her feet, she had a complete meltdown.  I laid her down in her bed, thinking maybe she was just extra tired, but she cried and screamed until she was able to pull the socks off, then she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning Josh fed her and got her dressed to go to daycare, just like any other morning. But when he started to put the socks on her feet, she began to cry again like he was hurting her. We carefully inspected her feet and toenails for any sign of injury, and found none. Both of us were at a loss because normally she loves to put on different shoes and socks, and she will often bring us various pairs from her closet (or our closet) and want us to put them on her feet.  So we settled on sandals and left for Lizzy's. I brought along a pair of tennis shoes and socks and I asked Lizzy to try to put them on Avery's feet later in the day.  When I picked her up yesterday afternoon, Lizzy said she had tried to put the socks on Avery and she had cried and screamed, just as she had done with us.

This morning when Josh and I entered Avery's room to get her out of her crib, we found her shirtless.  I wish I could see a replay of our reactions so I could try to determine which one of us was more shocked.

It took us a while, but we know now what is really going on. It's simple - we have entered unchartered territory. There is NOTHING wrong with her feet, she just wants to do things HER WAY. I have a feeling there is a lot more where that came from...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Visit with Cousin Sophia

Avery got to play with cousin Sophia again today! They were both being shy and didn't warm up to each other completely until we were just about to leave...But better late than never I guess...


Cat Toy

Yesterday I had a black-tie event for work... I rarely get to get dressed up, so I spent all day getting my hair done and getting myself ready.... So I felt bad because I did not get to see much of Avery. Josh took great care of her, they ran some errands at Target and even went over to play with Grandma Melanie and Uncle Braedon for a little while. 

This morning Avery decided she wanted to put on my crazy green slipper socks, and then Josh taught her how to use the cat toy...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Party Weekend III

Another birthday party this weekend!  Avery's friend from daycare, Madelyn, turned 1 in March.  The party was held yesterday at Yorba Park.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.