Friday, April 26, 2013

Daddy's Birthday

It's daddy's birthday today!

Avery asked if she could help make a cake for daddy. 
She was very specific and said that she wanted to make him a blue cake, his favorite color.  Thankfully Target had blue icing that came with shark sprinkles so it saved me the potentially messy equation of Avery + food coloring + frosting.

Daddy doesn't like frosting so Avery helped me frost just half of the cake.

She was also specific about a blue candle. So we added a candle and sang happy birthday as Daddy was getting Brother ready for his bath.

After we enjoyed our cake, Avery apparently scooped up my phone and took several dozen photos (without my knowledge) of me scrubbing cat vomit out of the carpet. 

Such a glam life I have.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


As Josh can attest, Avery is an expert at trying my patience and knows exactly which of my buttons to press. I am always on the search for literature and ideas on how to cope with frustration, how to effectively discipline, how to make bathtime fun instead of a chore, and the like.

I recently read an article on about appreciating the small gifts that your child gives you. It talked about how each gift is a sign that your child loves you and was thinking of you, and not to brush it off, even if it's a tiny pebble that they picked up in the parking lot.

Since then, I have taken this advice to heart and really made an effort to find love in all the gifts Avery has given me, in all the forms in which they come.  Lately when I have picked her up from school, she has had "presents" for me inside her cubby, which range from items such as drawings or handmade valentines to leaves, rocks, pieces of cardboard, or dandelion flowers from the playground.  Instead of being disgusted by dirty pieces of cardboard, I have retrained my brain to enjoy and appreciate the gesture, and to take in the moment of her smiling face beaming up at me as I admire my "gift."

Self-Portrait that Avery left for me on my phone

Portrait of Mommy, by Avery

With all the terrible things happening in the world lately, I have seen a lot of Facebook posts with sentiments such as "Hug your kids a little tighter tonight."  I think about what Martin Richard's parents did with this picture that he made at school, and if they saved it, and how much it means to them now.

Martin Richard, Boston Marathon Bombing Victim

If nothing else, these tragic events at the very least force me to push aside my fatigue from a long day at work, and read one extra book with Avery, or initiate one extra round of tickle games before bed. I battle with a constant internal monologue that tells me that I don't spend enough time with my kids. That I work too much. That I need to try harder in the kitchen to make healthier meals. That I need to stop checking my email and go play Barbies. That I should spend less time cleaning and more time just enjoying these little faces that are maturing way too quickly.

Photo and princess crown provided by Avery. Kisses provided by Camden.

...More time enjoying the gifts.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Swim Lessons

When baby brother was born, we took Avery out of dance lessons just to give her a break since she seemed to be getting bored. A few weeks ago we started her in swim lessons, and she is doing great. She put her face in the water and was doing backfloats on her very first lesson!  

Josh let her pick out a swim cap after her first class. There were pink kitties, white kitties, and fish. But Avery chose a shark!

Brother enjoys watching too!