Thursday, August 21, 2014

Choo Choo Trains

Camden has loved to watch the trains go by ever since he could barely talk...

Since Camden had only seen the trains from the car, last week I took the kids to the train station after school so we could sit on the platform and watch the trains up close. Camden was really excited when we got there, but excitement turned to sheer terror and screams as the first train blew into the station. 

The rest of the week, he told me every day, "Mommy. Choo choo train. LOUD."

Tonight I decided to take them to Ruby's Diner, which is also at the train station, but has sound-dampening windows to prevent trauma to children. 

They have a couple little trains that go around the inside of the restaurant too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Camden decided that the rocks from my centerpiece needed to be removed (with a shovel).

Obviously the logical place for them was in Avery's water cup. But that pesky water was in the way so of course he had to get that out of there first.

File under: This is why we can't have nice things.

Diving Rockets

These little fish were in the water for a long time yesterday. Avery made many attempts at getting her rockets, and in the process must have ingested a lot of pool water, which resulted in explosive diarrhea, and me blasting a pair of rapunzel underwear in the middle of the street with a garden hose whilst wondering how my life culminated to this point. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Water Park

Last weekend we visited some friends in Ladera Ranch. Their Homeowner's Association has this amazing water park in the middle of all the homes. 
For Avery and Camden, it was pure joy for three straight hours. I'm sure it must be in the top five of their favorite days ever.

High above the center of the pool is this big red bucket, with a spout over it that fills it up continuously. When it is completely full (about every five or ten minutes), it tips over and dumps water out on all the kids below. Towards the end of the afternoon, Avery got up the courage to get underneath it, so Josh took her and Camden over near the group of kids waiting at the bottom.

Camden (now the master of two and three word sentences) was a little scared by the sound and the sudden rush of water, and has been reminding me all week, 
"Mommy, bucket. Loud."

Despite the lack of naps, uncontrollable shivering, blue lips and pruney fingers after three hours, there were lots of tears when I finally had to wrap them in their towels.  But two minutes into the drive home, the exhaustion of course won over...