Sunday, November 30, 2014

Birthday Party

In order to save time, money and energy, we combined Avery's fifth and Camden's second birthday parties this year and just did one joint party at Scooter's Jungle.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

The kids went as Elsa and Olaf from Frozen this year for Halloween.

At age two, Avery wasn't too keen about wearing her costume, or about saying "trick-or-treat" or saying "thank you" or really any of it, other than receiving/eating candy. 

Camden, on the other hand, only had to visit one house before he totally got the hang of it and from that point on he dominated the trick-or-treat game. He wore his costume the entire night (including the hat) without one peep, refused the stroller and walked the whole time, rang doorbells, yelled "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" and even would say "Tanks!" (Thanks) on his way back to the sidewalk.  He also walked into people's houses uninvited, and grabbed handfuls of candy from peoples' candy bowls like he was robbing a bank. So basically, he made this the most fun Halloween we have had yet. 

(Avery and her classmates passing out candy at the Senior Center):

Camden's Second Birthday

On Camden's birthday we enjoyed a quiet day at home, just hanging out and letting him enjoy his birthday presents.  (The kids will have a joint birthday party with their little friends later in November).

Swimming & Gymnastics

Well, it's official. Last Saturday (October 25) Avery wrapped up her swimming lessons after a year and a half.  She is now excellent at freestyle and backstroke, and has the basic concepts of breaststroke and butterfly down. We are very proud of her and feel confident and safe with her being in and near the water. 

Camden will continue his lessons on Saturdays until he is a strong swimmer. He is progressing very nicely and really looks forward to going each week to see his teacher, Mike. When we are getting him dressed to leave the house (or even on other days when we happen to drive by the swim school), he shouts, "MISTER MIKE!!!"  

Avery decided she was ready to move on and try something new.  She became interested in gymnastics after watching gymnastic videos on YouTube and then practicing the moves in the living room and on the grass.  So instead of letting her try on her own to break her neck on the carpet, we have started gymnastics lessons on Tuesdays, which she really looks forward to and is already excelling at, even though she has only been going for about three weeks. 

At only her second lesson, the instructor was already using Avery as an example on the bar because she was doing better than the other girls who have been in the class for a while. Proud Mom moment!