Sunday, January 25, 2015

Christmas 2014

We had a little bit of a different Christmas schedule this year. We postponed the big family gathering until the day after Christmas, so on Christmas Eve we decided to take the kids out for some fun activities. 

First stop, Downtown Disney, where we had dinner at Naples and walked around to see the lights.

We then stopped by a Christmas Party, hosted by the family of one of Josh's former coworkers, and rounded out the evening with a stop in Placentia to see a house that was decked out in crazy lights that changed and flashed in sync with music. One of the songs was "Let it Go" from Frozen, so we knew the kids would love it. It was pretty spectacular. 

When we got home, Avery set out milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer before turning in for the night.

The next morning, Avery woke up first and had to be very patient for 45 minutes until Camden woke up so they could open presents together.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Avery's Christmas Program

Here are a couple videos from Avery's Preschool Christmas Program on December 12 that I didn't get around to posting. She promised me she would sing this year, which she did. 

However, there was a little show-stealer in her class that made it hard for me to keep my focus on Avery!