Saturday, October 31, 2015


Avery got to come to work with me for our office potluck at noon... Our group did Disney Princesses (the guys) and their sidekicks (the girls), and we were one person short so we needed her (and Camden's costume from last year)! From left to right: Mouse & Cinderella, Belle & The Beast, Elsa & Olaf, and Ariel & Sebastian.

Then of course, trick-or-treating after work... Camden went as Michael Jackson from "Thriller," but threw a fit when we started putting the zombie makeup on him, so he only got about 1/3 of his makeup done and ended up looking more like Mike Tyson.  Avery was Elsa from the "Frozen Fever" animated short.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Food Art

Avery has been making some awesome artwork lately, 
which has inadvertently called me out as being a parental failure in the nutrition department. 

 The Food Book



Mixed Veggies [pictured here with spoons from Yogurtland]

Mac and Cheese

Ice Cream

Watermelon [which she hates]


String Cheese



The Lunch Box Project (in which they had to decorate the outside of a lunchbox and fill it with pictures of food, cut out from magazines)

Avery: A+
Mom: F

Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day weekend, we decided to have a little family mini-vacation and rented a beach house in San Clemente with my cousin Julie's family and my cousin Patrick's family. The kids are all close in age, the weather was beautiful, and everyone had a blast! 
There is a good chance this could become an annual event...

(Camden loves Melissa so much, he even called for her to tuck him in at bedtime!)