Thursday, October 17, 2013

Camden's First Birthday

I was just going to dump all the pictures onto this post and let them speak for themselves, but I poured hours and hours of labor into making this robot party a success with the help of some very dear friends and family members, so I figured it was best to take the time to point out all the tedious details... Here we go! 
(Get ready for the longest post ever...)

Sunday, October 13, 2013... Party day! The day after my sweet, still-toothless little Camden (aka Biggy McBiggs, Dude, Mister Man) officially turned 1! 

Table in the entryway... All bunting flags were hand-cut from construction paper by me and Auntie E.  Gears cut out of scrapbooking papers.

The party invitation:

Handmade gear frame:

Robot on left made by Avery:

Robot coloring wall, set up with the help and creativity of Auntie Jennifer:

Hand-cut robots with one picture showing each month of Camden's life:

Robot party favors for the kids (made from crayons, play-doh, chalk and Rolo candies):

The food (signs made with help by Auntie E):

Cupcakes/Smash Cake made by my mom:

The yard:

The birthday boy showing off his robot shirt that Mommy made for him:

Ok I think that covers most of the little details.... So now, the party!

I got an almost identical picture of Avery in the bouncer on her first birthday...
Had to do this side-by-side comparison!

Auntie E and Kathryn sporting their robot jewelry:

And of course, the cake smash:

Camden decided to take a three hour nap in the middle of his party. 
So we opened his presents without him.

He received some very cool gifts, including this tent to match his room, handmade for him by my cousin Melissa with the same fabric as his crib bedding!

And this wall art, made by my cousin Beth:

And this puzzle, modified by Uncle Aaron:

Of course when he woke up he got to enjoy everything!

And.... the aftermath!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Little Dude!!!

Photo Credits: Melanie Vogel, Bella Fiore Photography, Kim Manzo, Kristen Ness, Josh Ness, Beth Vogel, Erin Gardner