Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

What a Christmas we had! 

Christmas Eve with extended family at Great Grandma and Grandpa's house...

Before bed, Avery wanted to leave out the milk and cookies she had promised Santa. 
She also threw a curve ball and asked to leave carrots for the reindeer. Luckily we had some carrots. She counted to make sure there were 9 carrots, one for each of Santa's reindeer, including Rudolph. 

In the morning, there were lots of presents!!

Avery was very excited! (But brother was in no mood for pictures).

His "toy" of choice was a greeting card that played music. 

Avery was happy, because she got to open all her presents, plus all of brother's presents.

Our gift from Avery, an ornament that she made at school:

Around 10:00, we abandoned the aftermath and went over to my mom's house.

When we got to Gammy's house, there were more presents!

These spoiled kids had a great day. On top of getting loads of new loot to play with, we had gorgeous and amazing 80 degree weather! After Avery's nap, we took a walk to the park with Gammy and Uncle Braedon.

Avery and Camden finished out their magical day with a delicious dinner, a ride on the wheelchair with Great Grandma, and a performance of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Movie Date

I took Avery to the movie theater for the first time on Sunday afternoon.
We saw the new Disney movie, "Frozen." 

I got her a junior popcorn and we sat up near the top of the theater.

She was impressed by the size of the screen. 

Other than getting a little antsy about halfway through, and asking me if we could pick different seats when the movie was almost over, she did pretty well!

When we got outside, the sun had set and we were surprised to find all the trees lit up with pretty Christmas lights. They looked like the sparkly snow in the movie, so it was perfect.

 Avery has been asking me if we can go back and take brother with us.
Spoiler alert: No. 

Avery's Christmas Program

Avery's Preschool Christmas Program 
Friday, December 13, 2013

Her gingerbread kid (her first ever homework assignment!) hanging up in the hall.
(Bottom right with the red frame)

Santa Pictures

Last Saturday, December 7, Josh took the kids to the annual Santa event, where Santa rides around Villa Park on a firetruck. Last year we didn't even bother getting Camden out of the stroller, so Josh wasn't sure what Camden would think of it all this year.

What a perfect angel! Of course that can only mean one thing. That he would raise my expectations for our visit to the photographer for professional Santa pictures, only to deliver me the exact opposite of what he had promised on the trial run.

Then again, Christmas just isn't Christmas without pictures of children screaming on Santa's knee.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


(We had only read this book together twice before I filmed this)

(We had never read this book so she is making up the story)

(I had only read this to her once)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Avery's Fourth Birthday

We had Avery's birthday party at Scooter's Jungle this year. The kids got to spend almost two hours in a room that had three big inflatables, a zip line, a foosball table, a ping pong table, an air hockey table, a toy area and a glow in the dark room filled with bouncy balls.  
After play time, we moved to the party room for pizza, cupcakes and presents. Avery had a great day!