Monday, February 10, 2014

Avery's Awesome Artwork

My poor girl fell off the back of the couch on Friday night and hit her head on the tile, resulting in a trip to CHOC and a scary concussion.  (She is OK now).

While we were in the ER waiting room, she drew this adorable butterfly. 

We have noticed her art skills blossoming over the last few weeks, so I thought I would share a few of her pictures. Most of the time I struggle to keep a straight face when she shows me her drawings, because they are ridiculously cute, but also sometimes her descriptions are really funny.

Here's an art project she brought home from school recently:

All I can think of when I look at it is Fizzgig from "The Dark Crystal" and I can't muffle my laughter.

"A Flower Girl":

"Brother with Snots":

"Chuck E. Cheese When He Was A Baby":

Tonight she wanted to help me prepare Valentines for her class party on Thursday.  
I showed her how to make check marks so she could check off each name as we went down the list.

The check marks got funnier and funnier looking as we went on, until she became completely bored and started drawing pictures on the back of the list.

"Chuck E. Cheese When He Was A Baby and He Had Teeth":

And my personal favorite...
"A Baby Porcupine Who Couldn't Poke Us Because He Was Just A Baby and He Didn't Know How to Poke":