Monday, March 24, 2014

Musical Car Seats

Avery got her booster seat today, which means that Camden got upgraded to her old car seat, and can face forward now. All I could think about was Avery's smile, 3 years ago, when we put her in her car seat to ride facing forward for the first time. She was so excited to be able to see me, and kids walking to school, and traffic lights, and passing trains. 

Today Camden got to share that joy:

Avery's new booster seat allows her to use an adult seat belt, which she can buckle and unbuckle by herself. So as I drove home, it hit me that this morning was my last morning of wrestling with Avery's car seat buckles entangled with her frilly dresses. And my last morning of carrying a baby in the carrier up the steps to daycare, and up the steps again upon arriving home.

And a little more sand slipped through the hourglass.