Monday, June 16, 2014

Pictures from the Weekend

There are a lot of babies at the swim school who cry every week. They hate being in the water with a stranger and scream and reach for their parents for the duration of their lesson. It's pretty sad to watch.

Camden is the opposite of that. We arrived 15 minutes early, and he spent those 15 minutes sobbing pathetically because it wasn't his turn to get in the pool yet, and he couldn't understand why he had to wait.

Big sister got to jump in first. So by the time Camden's teacher came over to get him, he couldn't fling himself into the water fast enough.

Zoom in for that big grin...

We spent the rest of Saturday at the Zoo for my company picnic...

And enjoyed one last swim before bedtime...

Sunday morning, Avery was excited to get up and give Josh the cards she had made him for Father's Day. I tried to get a picture of the kids to send to their grandpas, but Camden was emotionally devastated by that idea.

Three verses of "Wheels on the Bus" allowed him to momentarily forget about his anguish.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Camden LOVED his first swimming lesson on Saturday!
I was really happy that I was able to get Camden into the same time slot as Avery so they can do their lessons at the same time. But it was a little distracting for Avery, who kept wanting to watch brother and see what he was doing...


Each day, Camden screams "DOC!" when we arrive at Avery's school, and insists on carrying her Doc McStuffins lunchbox for her as they walk into the school, and then helps me put it into her cubby.

 Hard to believe, but Avery will become a Wild Cat this week... The final "level" of preschool before starting kindergarten next fall!