Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Farm Field Trip

I kept it a secret from Avery that I had signed up to be a chaperone on the Kindergartners' first field trip last week. On Friday morning, I called in sick to work and dropped her off at school as usual. Then about 30 minutes later, I drove back to the school and waited outside with the other moms next to the school bus.  Avery was very excited to see me and to find out that I was going to be spending the day with her!

We visited Amy's Farm, which is a local non-profit farm that focuses on sustainable organic farming, and provides guided tours.

"Grandma Tina," the cow:

This being the first Kindergarten field trip (with both Kindergarten classes in attendance, about 60 kids), there were so many parent chaperones that I was only responsible for looking after two kids!  Isabel and Avery...

Farmer Josh briefed the kids on the farm rules...

And then we were off to check out the garden.

Farmer Henry gave us a demonstration of how long a cow's tongue is, right before Grandma Tina slung slobber all over half a dozen screaming 6 year olds!

Avery got to feed some kale to the chickens and pigs before getting to spend time with the goats in their pen... But she is oddly nervous around animals, and unfortunately wasn't really into petting them. 

Most of the other kids were very excited about the goats, 
and many even got their clothes nibbled on!

The kids loved this guy, and came up with the moniker "The Dalmation Horse."

When it came time to milk a cow, of course Avery refused, so Farmer Josh let her pose for a picture next to the cow without touching the udder.

But Avery's teacher, Mrs. Tippets, of course did not refuse!

And neither did I...

After the farm, the bus took the kids to a park down the road for lunch and playtime before we headed back to school.

Great day!