Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Life moves pretty fast.

 It certainly is true what they say. The days are long, and the years are short.

Clearly life has happened, and blog writing has gotten away from me! 

As Avery has just gotten her last visit from the Tooth Fairy, I have decided to officially close out my blog and publish it into a book for my beautiful baby on her 12th birthday, coming up in less than 4 weeks!

Avery and Camden have grown into remarkable kiddos. Both of them are incredibly smart, and always get excellent marks on their report card, not only in academics but in their behavioral scores as well. Avery is in sixth grade GATE, active in Girl Scouts and is still competing with California Gymnastics. She trains over 10 hours per week at the gym and is continually growing in her skills and her confidence. She is polite, respectful, and kind, and we couldn't be more proud of her. Camden is in third grade. He is also in gymnastics and he has been enjoying participating in the school musicals for the past four years! Next week he will be performing (with his own lines for the first time) as both FDR and the Dogcatcher in the school's production of  "Annie." We can't wait to see him shine! He loves to sing, dance, draw, and make us all laugh. He is outgoing and makes friends easily. Other parents at the school are always telling me how much they love Camden!


We took two trips this summer as a family, one to South Dakota and one to Kauai. It was nice to get out after being cooped up from the pandemic, and also nice to be able to travel easily with kids who are old enough to entertain themselves on an airplane! 

You can find me on Facebook for ongoing family updates! Thank you for following our journey through the years. 

To Avery and Camden, thank you for this amazing adventure. I hope you enjoy reading all these stories of years that you will never remember, and I will never forget. I love you forever.