Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sneak peek

This week we spent a lot of time gearing up for our family photo shoot this evening. The photographer suggested rather than all of us wearing the same color that we coordinate around whatever outfit Avery was wearing. So I hunted around for some baby clothes with simple patterns/colors I thought might work for everyone, and of course I had to get some new clothes for myself too. A friend from work bought some headbands for Avery to wear, so I was trying to work those in too.  The main goal was to get some pictures of her with my Grandpa and Grandpa Shafor. (Avery's Great-Grandparents). 

Trying on the headbands and practicing her smile: 

Terrorizing the cats:

Killing time waiting for the photographer, riding Rocko!

And last but not least... A sneak preview of our photo shoot tonight.  These are the only two Richelle has sent me so far, but there will be more to come soon!

Four Generations:

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