Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's hard to believe that a year ago on this day I was very big and miserable! We were celebrating my 30th birthday early since we didn't know when Avery was going to make her appearance.  I was really hoping for a Thanksgiving baby because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Family, food, and a 4-day weekend to relax. 
But Avery decided to stay warm and cozy for another 2 weeks. 
So today marks the last of Avery's "first" holidays (aside from her birthday).


In the past couple of weeks, Avery has decided to discard her entire vocabulary, and replace all the words she was once able to say with "Neh-neh."

Old List:
Bah (ball)
Eekee (Kitty)
Naner (Tanner)

New List:

I have talked to some other mothers who said that their kids went through similar phases. It's frustrating because she used to sound so advanced, and now our progress seems to be going backwards!  Our conversations sound a lot like this now:

Kristen: Avery, say "mama."
Avery: Neh-neh.
Avery: Neh-neh.
Kristen: Can you say "Dada"?
Avery: Neh-neh.

Oh well. Hopefully we will be back on track soon.  At least I finally got a picture of that first (and second) tooth.  If you click on this photo, it should open in a larger window and if you look closely you can see those two little bottom chompers coming in.

My other goal this week was to get a video of Avery doing her "Eyeshadow Monster" routine.  She loves to get into the cabinets under the bathroom sink, and she especially loves my little eyeshadow containers because they fit perfectly in her mouth.  If you take one away, she will dig in the cabinet and find another one.  (For the video we just gave her all of them in a basket instead of making her find them so that the video wouldn't end up being 20 minutes long).  To see the video, click here:

More pictures to follow after Avery samples her first Thanksgiving feast...

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