Sunday, January 30, 2011

Film Frenzy

I promise I will not post every video of Avery ever, especially when she's not doing much in the videos!  But we did take a lot of videos of her this weekend, so I wanted to post the ones where she is doing something (that is at least mildly noteworthy).

This is Avery performing the hand motions to "Where is Thumbkin?" 
She started doing this on her own one day when watching the kids doing it on the TV.

Poor Piper has taken so much abuse from Avery, I think she has just gotten used to being poked and grabbed at. But we are trying to teach Avery to be gentle, and she is getting better too.  (And Avery is wearing what Josh calls a "crazy outfit" because she tried to take a drink out of my water bottle and she drenched herself so I had to change her shirt. This kid has way too many clothes to ever be mismatched,
so I thought I had better explain myself here).

Grandma Melanie taught Avery how to bang a pot like a drum and use the lids for cymbals.  Need I say more.

Uncle Aaron has a waterproof/virtually indestructible phone, so he usually lets Avery play with it when he comes to visit, and she loves it.  It also has a kitty on the screen, which will disappear after a few minutes. But Avery figured out that if she closes and reopens the phone, the kitty will reappear. 

Aaron got a little out of breath and admitted that she is getting heavy, so we have to get as many videos of this as we can before she gets too big!

Avery stole a pair of her pajama pants out of the laundry basket while Josh and I were folding clothes.  She ran around while we chased her and wouldn't give it back, and thought it was a hilarious game. 
I grabbed the camera just in time to catch the tail end of it.

Yesterday it was sunny and warm, and Grandma Mel and Uncle Aaron took Avery out to the park to play on the swings and look at the ducks in the lake.  Today however we got some weird weather, it was about 60 degrees and sprinkling, so instead of going to the park we took Avery on a long drive. We drove down to Newport Beach and back (while she napped), and then stopped at Babies R Us on the way back.  We let her run around the store and play with the books and toys in the aisles.  She was a trooper and seemed to have fun, despite the fact that we spent the day indoors. 

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