Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Auntie Day

On Sunday we enjoyed a visit from Auntie Jennifer and Auntie E.  Although I don't have any sisters by blood, I have known these two almost as long as I have been on this earth, and they are like sisters to me, so they have definitely earned the title of "Aunties"! 
Let me take a trip down memory lane for a moment to illustrate my point...


Jennifer moved in one house over when I was 1, and she was 2. 
Our moms still live in the same houses that we grew up in.

Swimming in my Grandparents' pool with our moms, circa 1981:

Swinging in Jennifer's backyard, 1982:

Sixth grade graduation, rocking our huge bangs, 1991:

Hanging out in West Hollywood, 2008:

Jennifer holding Avery at the hospital the day she was born:

 I don't know life without Jennifer. Jennifer and I attended the same preschool, the same grade school, the same junior high, and although we went to different high schools, we ended up at the same college together.  We have truly been lifelong friends, and I hope that never changes.


Erin and I met on the first day of kindergarten. My brother Aaron was just a newborn at the time.  Erin and I became instant friends, and at some point I started calling her "E" to distinguish between "Erin" and "Aaron."  The nickname stuck, and she is still "E" to me, and will definitely be "Auntie E" to Avery.

Our First Communion Day, 1988:

Waiting backstage for our turn to perform in the Taft Elementary School Talent Show, 1990 (where we did an awesome dance to
"Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid):

Wedding day, 2005:

Clubbing in WeHo, 2008:

Holding Avery at the hospital the day she was born:

E has been an undying source of love and laughter over the years.  I don't know what I would do without her. And what could be better than having an amazing friend? Having two amazing friends, of course. Jennifer and Erin became friends as young kids too, and the three of us have always been like peas in a pod.

So now that we have justified their roles as "Aunties".....


Getting back to Averyday Life.... The girls came over on Sunday and we had a fun time just hanging out and snacking.  We wanted to go to the park but it was too cold.

Stay tuned for more fun "Auntie Days" to come!

1 comment:

  1. AWWW K so cute! had the best time with you guys. love you and love ro ro!
