Friday, July 15, 2011


As Avery and I went through the checkout at Target tonight and she stared at the cashier with this face, the woman said, "You like like capital T - TROUBLE!  You look so determined!  Well we like leaders honey, not followers, especially in girls. So you go out and be a leader!"  I smiled and said, "Yes, she's very independent." The woman laughed and shot back, "Oh, I KNOW! I can see it all over her face!"

Here are some more pictures from this past week of "determined" Avery,
doing what she wants to do!

(Filling up cups with a hose is a very serious operation):

Kitty kisses (much to Calvin's dismay):

Declining to remove the sunglasses that she has refused to wear for the past year:

Insisting on looking over the wall at the park to see the firetrucks, instead of playing on the playground:

Grabbing keys to open doors:

Operating the computer (and by "operating" I mean clicking open dozens of programs that we didn't even know we had):

And coloring with chalk...

Such a busy girl!

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