Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Brandi, Bo & Zac's Visit Part 3

Today we spent a gorgeous afternoon at Emerald Bay in Laguna, first on the beach and then at the pool for a little while. Avery of course did not like to touch the sand, but she was really excited about the water and actually seemed to have a good time despite the fact that there was sand everywhere!

Standing in the "pool" we all made for her (but taking special precaution not to touch the sides):

At one point I took Avery out of the water and brought her up to wrap her in a towel and warm her up. I took off her water shoes and set her down on her feet in the sand, swaddling a towel around her. She was cold so I thought she would be happy to get dry and warm, but instead she started shouting, "No, no, no, no, no!" and shoved the towel off. It took me a minute before I realized that she was upset because her wet feet were now covered in sand. She kept saying "Off?" because she wanted the sand off of her feet. I tried to tell her that it was okay, and my feet were sandy too and it's okay to have sand on our feet. But she did not care what I thought.  She sat down to try to take off what she must have thought were shoes made out of sand.  But as soon as she sat down, then her hands and butt were also covered in sand, so there was nothing left to do but freeze in panic and burst into tears.  Luckily Josh walked up and we got her all cleaned off and set her on a clean towel. The towel worked as well as a playpen because she wouldn't leave the towel for fear of touching the sand again.

My somewhat decent attempt at a "cousins" picture today:

The pool was warmer than the ocean, just as fun, and less sandy:

Saying hi to Grandma from the kiddy pool:

Stay tuned tomorrow for our last day with Brandi, Bo and Zac...

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