Saturday, September 3, 2011


As it turns out, little Dexter is quite naughty.  He is so naughty that Avery has heard us say "The kitty is naughty!" one too many times, and she now calls him "Nonny" and seems to think that is his name. 

I think since he was a stray, he probably had to scrounge for food, so therefore he will jump up on laps, or even on Avery's high chair tray in order to steal food off of plates.  This includes eggs, cheese, cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, etc.  He's not picky.  He will even hunt down Avery's sippy cup so he can lick the milk off of the spout.  Also on the menu are cords, ribbons, tank tops, shoes, blankets, buckles, just about anything he can gets his paws on.  We have to work hard to keep EVERYTHING out of his reach, which is tough with a toddler thwarting our efforts by pulling all the items back out of cabinets and drawers.

Lucky for both of them they are cute.

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