Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Update

Yesterday Avery FINALLY listened and participated in dance class!  She even let us trade her flip flops for ballet shoes before class. Such progress!

She wore her bunny mask with pride...

She followed Miss Kristen's directions...

She even took her turn in the center of the parachute!

And all this WITHOUT a nap! We were so impressed.
After class we stopped at Gammy's house for a visit.

By late afternoon, she was ready to crash!

I guess we really messed up her schedule... this morning she set a new record and slept until 10:15 am.  (But we're not complaining).

Josh took care of her today while I lunched and shopped with friends.  He didn't take any pictures except this one:

When I found it on the camera card tonight, I asked him why on earth he took a picture of the drawer. He started laughing and said, "Avery took all the stuff out of the drawer and scattered it around the kitchen, so I asked her to please put everything back in the drawer. And she did what I asked; she put all the things back in and walked away.
This is what it looked like."

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