Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tis the Season

It's that time of year again... When I get overwhelmed and fall behind on everything! Between cooking for Thanksgiving, working on Christmas shopping, planning for Avery's birthday and getting the house ready for out-of-town guests, we have been pretty busy.

So, a quick recap...

Avery and Dee washing their hands/paws:

Avery keeping occupied while I worked on Thanksgiving cooking:

and Thanksgiving at my mom's house:

I felt guilty for not getting my Christmas tree out last year for Avery, so I got ambitious this morning and pulled out all the dusty Christmas decorations.  It should have come as no suprise that someone hindered my progress.

And not this someone:

THESE someones:

Here are the last few moments before my tree was on its side.

Aaaaaaaaaand it's broken.

So much for decorating!

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