Sunday, January 29, 2012


Avery has really been entertaining us lately with her hilarious words and phrases. 
Last week in the car she said, "Mommy, a butterfly!" 
I replied, "Oh, do you see a butterfly?"
"No Mommy, I hear it!"

Here are a few of her other comical phrases that are just too good for us to correct:
  • "Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies, fascist, fascist, we all fall down!"
  • "Spacebelt"  (seatbelt)
  • "Skabetty"  (spaghetti)
  • "Scuse-Key " (excuse me)
  • "Shampoop"  (shampoo)
  • "Smiles"  (Miles, my Mom's meanest cat who bites)
  • "Cramma"  (camera)
  • "Monkey barbs"  (monkey bars)
  • "One, two, three, four, five, six, eleven, twelve-teen, twelve-teen, twelve-teen, twelve-teen...."

Such a comedienne!

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