Friday, March 23, 2012

Avery's Pink Cast

Don't feel too sorry for Avery. 

Josh and I felt so sorry for her last Sunday with that big splint on her arm that we took her on a shopping spree. First to Target for a bunch of new outfits and sweaters that could fit over her cast (at least that was how I justified it), then to Toys R Us for more clothes and a new toy, and rounded it out with a trip to Payless for new tennis shoes, boots, and tap shoes (and a Tinkerbell umbrella that she decided she couldn't live without). 
This girl is SPOILED!

On Wednesday Avery and I went over to the hospital to trade the bulky splint for a pink waterproof cast.  She was a complete angel and earned herself a few stickers from the nurses.

The waiting room:

The (very minor) damage:

Off to the elevator with the new cast:

Forced to pose for a photo op by Mom outside:

The doctor said she has a buckle fracture in both the right ulna and radius, at the wrist (but not near the growth plate, fortunately). This type of fracture is an incomplete fracture, which means that it does not crack all the way across the bone. These are common in children because their bones are still soft, usually from falling on an outstretched hand (which is what happened). The doctor said that it was just the way she landed on it that caused the fracture, and not a vitamin or calcium deficiency or anything of that nature.

And as you can see, she is doing just peachy and has even started using the fingers on her right hand, which is what the doctor wants her to do. 

More fun adventures ahead, as Avery starts her "big girl" dance class this weekend!

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