Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Concert in the Park

Here are some pictures that were taken a couple weeks ago when we went to see my cousin Julie's band perform as part of a local Concert in the Park series. Avery and Audrey had a great time dancing!

Eventually the girls made their way up to the dance floor, and the two of them climbed up onto the lower level of the stage. After about a minute of dancing there, a security guard came over and asked them to get down. Audrey obeyed immediately and hopped onto the ground.  Avery, however, stood there and stared at him like he was speaking an alien tongue.  I watched from a distance as he asked her a second time, and then a third time, to get down from the stage, as he pointed towards the ground.  She continued to face him squarely, looking right into his eyes with a blank expression. 

Then all of a sudden she burst into a defiant shimmy, still staring right into his face. He was forced to physically remove her from the stage.  (I was way too embarrassed and laughing way too hard to go up and claim her as my own at that point, so I just let him handle it. I am sure he was wondering where the loser parents were who weren't controlling their child). 

And here's one last picture of Avery and Audrey on the swing last weekend with 
(We were throwing a party for my cousin Justin, our Marine who made it home safely from Afghanistan this month!)

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