Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Double Doctor Visit

These are two of my favorite all time pictures of Avery:

She was one almost one month old, and was wide awake at 11:00 pm, staring at us after we had just gotten her all snuggled into bed sound asleep.

We had a repeat of this experience with Camden this week, so I tried to get a similar picture:


This morning I decided to take both kids in for their check-ups (Camden's 2-month and Avery's 3-year well visit) at the same time. I thought it would be easier. EASIER. 
Where I came up with that hilarious idea I will never know.

Long story short, they both got vaccines and I had two screaming kids. 

Avery is in the 95th percentile for height, and 50th percentile for weight, which means she's tall and skinny. So that's good.

Camden is growing like a weed according to the doctor, and is already 12 lbs, 5 oz and 23 1/4 inches long. 

On the way home from the doctor's office, I decided to "swing by" the post office, where we stood in line for a treacherous half an hour. Avery was emotional and whiny from her shot, and passed the time by rolling on the floor, singing loudly, and untying the drawstring on my pants while I had my arms full of packages.

When will I learn.

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