Wednesday, February 27, 2013

First Haircut

Nope, not Camden's first haircut. Avery's first haircut! Yes, it's true. I have never cut or even trimmed her hair in her 3+ years of life. I love her beautiful blond curls and have been dragging my heels for fear that the curls will forever be gone, and she will be left with unevenly wavy hair like mine. 

But after hearing "OW MOM!" one too many times while brushing it into a ponytail, I knew it was time.  We scheduled a visit with Auntie Julie at the salon on Saturday.

Since I took her to a regular salon and not a kids' barber shop, she was the only little one in a sea of adults, and thus received a lot of attention in the waiting area. 

She climbed up into the makeup chair while we were waiting. I snapped a couple pictures of her looking out the window, and then had a strange moment where I just stared at her.  She looked so tall, so pretty, so grown up. For just that second it was like a glimpse into the future, and a strange juxtaposition that this little grown up still has the hair on her head from the day she was born. 

Once in Julie's chair, we talked about how much to take off the bottom before the washing, cutting and drying began.

Julie gave Avery the choice between a straight style or curls. 
Avery chose curls.

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