Wednesday, August 25, 2010

High fives all around!

So tonight I discovered that Avery knows how to give high fives.  Lizzy's kids must have been working on this with her.  She kept turning around to watch the cats while I was feeding her, so in an attempt to distract her and get her to turn back toward me, I said, "Avery, gimme five!" She then turned around, and repeatedly, without hesitation, proceeded to give me as many high fives as I asked for. 

This is the tray to her bumbo seat. (Which becomes a tasty snack if you are a T-Rex).

Also, a funny story from last week... Remember this tiny baby who looked so small and delicate in her infant bathtub?

Well, last week we decided it was time to graduate her to a bigger tub since she can sit up on her own now, and is outgrowing the infant bathtub.  We bought her this inflatable duck bath at Target while Josh's family was here visiting.

However, the duck bath is apparently her worst nightmare. After one (very unhappy) bath in the duck, she would scream and cling to me at the mere sight of the duck bath.  So now duck bath is deflated and back in the box.  He will make his return in a few weeks when she has (hopefully) forgotten about him!  In the meantime, we will just have to let these long legs stick out of the water.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I think I'm blogging! What a wonderous age we live in. Mom would have loved reading your blog. This is so cool. Thank you for putting it up. We really enjoy looking in on Avery and seeing the daily changes. She shines with so much intelligence!
