Sunday, November 21, 2010

Avery & Tanner

Since Avery's first tooth made it's appearance a few weeks ago, she has still been somewhat fussy, and we realized this week that she is cutting FOUR additional teeth, all at the same time.  Needless to say, she has been intermittently cranky and has even woken up crying in the middle of the night a few times.  So there has been less fun and more Tylenol at our house. And she doesn't like me poking my finger around in her mouth or trying to take pictures of her teeth. So I'm still working on a picture to fill the "My First Tooth" frame in her baby book.

Tonight, our good friends Nikki and Dustin invited us over for dinner.  Avery had a fun time crawling around in a new environment, and was very interested in whatever their 5 year old son Tanner was doing. She watched him and followed him around for a good part of the evening.  Nikki had instructed Tanner to cover up all his toys with a big blanket, since many of his Star Wars figurines have small pieces that Avery could choke on.  At one point, Tanner was sitting on the blanket, and Avery crawled over and made herself comfortable on his lap (No we did not pose any of these pictures. She got into this position all by herself). The blanket made a cute backdrop too, so I ran for my camera and started snapping away...

When we got back home, I asked Josh if he could rock her to sleep so I could get her clothes and food packed for tomorrow.  I ran down to the garage to put some things away, and when I came back upstairs, I found THIS. 
She was so wound up that she did not go to sleep until 9:45 (she is typically asleep by 8:30).  Thank you Josh the comedian.

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