Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Mischief Floodgates Have Opened...

On Thursday night at bedtime, we dressed Avery after her bath like we always do, with pajamas and socks. Except this time was different.  When we put the socks on her feet, she had a complete meltdown.  I laid her down in her bed, thinking maybe she was just extra tired, but she cried and screamed until she was able to pull the socks off, then she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning Josh fed her and got her dressed to go to daycare, just like any other morning. But when he started to put the socks on her feet, she began to cry again like he was hurting her. We carefully inspected her feet and toenails for any sign of injury, and found none. Both of us were at a loss because normally she loves to put on different shoes and socks, and she will often bring us various pairs from her closet (or our closet) and want us to put them on her feet.  So we settled on sandals and left for Lizzy's. I brought along a pair of tennis shoes and socks and I asked Lizzy to try to put them on Avery's feet later in the day.  When I picked her up yesterday afternoon, Lizzy said she had tried to put the socks on Avery and she had cried and screamed, just as she had done with us.

This morning when Josh and I entered Avery's room to get her out of her crib, we found her shirtless.  I wish I could see a replay of our reactions so I could try to determine which one of us was more shocked.

It took us a while, but we know now what is really going on. It's simple - we have entered unchartered territory. There is NOTHING wrong with her feet, she just wants to do things HER WAY. I have a feeling there is a lot more where that came from...

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