Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Week With Sheila

Grandma Sheila came out to visit this past week. Although we kept it pretty mellow since Camden wasn't feeling well, the kids did enjoy a few activities while she was here. 
Poor little dude still doesn't have any teeth, but from the few moments he has actually allowed me to look into his mouth, he appears to be sprouting four all at once. 
Not the happiest experience for him.

Avery enjoyed opening early birthday and Christmas gifts! Her new baby got to take turns with brother for swing rides.

On Wednesday we attended the annual Soup Feast at Avery's preschool. They serve soup and chili and do a little slideshow.  Avery thought this would be the perfect opportunity to wear her new princess pajamas.

Camden, who is still reeling from the recently discovered freedom of walking, loved the slideshow and insisted that every picture was of him. "Dah-Deh!" 

Friday was "Princess Day"...

And Sunday was Ferris Wheel day. 

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