Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess. The princess lived in a castle that was filled with lots of fun and amazing toys. Toys in every room.  Toys that played beautiful music. Toys that sparkled. Toys that were big, and toys that were small like jewels.  The princess had everything that her heart desired. 

But the princess was a jealous princess.  A prince had recently come to live in the castle with the princess, and the princess did not enjoy having to share her belongings. 

One day, the handsome prince was wandering through the castle.  He spotted a treasure way up high on a shelf. Just as the queen helped him up to retrieve the treasure he had discovered, the princess whisked by and snapped the treasure from his hands. 

The queen was angry. She longed for the princess to be a polite and proper girl; a respectable heiress and a fitting future queen. The queen spent many hours teaching the princess to be kind and good, but the princess could not control her anger when the prince was near her treasures.

The queen snatched the treasure back from the princess, and returned it to the prince, for he had discovered the treasure first, and it rightfully belonged to him.  The queen scolded the princess for being so cold and cruel to the sweet prince, and reminded the princess that she didn't need the treasure, as she had a whole palace full of beautiful and marvelous toys.

The princess could not bear to hear such harsh words, and disintegrated into a loud and lengthy tantrum. She kicked and screamed and wailed, as the prince held onto the treasure. 

Soon the king entered the room.  He saw that the princess had been unkind. He tried to speak to her and teach her about being generous and charitable. To be sweet and loving. But alas, the princess would not hear of it. She wailed and wailed on the floor of the castle. Finally the queen and king had to close the door, because they could not hear anything above her screams. 

Finally, a long while later, the princess emerged and alerted the queen that the crying spell was over. The king and queen were so happy, and quiet peace filled the land. 

The king and queen much enjoyed this quiet peace, as they know it would last only a short while, and then the spell would be broken.

The Princess:

The Prince:

The Treasure:


The moral of the story is: 
The queen was unsure how her life became refereeing fights over actual pieces of garbage.

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