Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

The kids went as Elsa and Olaf from Frozen this year for Halloween.

At age two, Avery wasn't too keen about wearing her costume, or about saying "trick-or-treat" or saying "thank you" or really any of it, other than receiving/eating candy. 

Camden, on the other hand, only had to visit one house before he totally got the hang of it and from that point on he dominated the trick-or-treat game. He wore his costume the entire night (including the hat) without one peep, refused the stroller and walked the whole time, rang doorbells, yelled "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" and even would say "Tanks!" (Thanks) on his way back to the sidewalk.  He also walked into people's houses uninvited, and grabbed handfuls of candy from peoples' candy bowls like he was robbing a bank. So basically, he made this the most fun Halloween we have had yet. 

(Avery and her classmates passing out candy at the Senior Center):

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