Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sports Class

Three weeks ago, Josh enrolled Camden in a sports class. They meet once a week for six weeks. The first two classes focused on baseball, the second two classes are introducing soccer, and the final two classes will cover basketball.

I don't think we quite imagined the sheer comedy that would result from a huge cluster of two-year-olds under the instruction of a soft-spoken college kid.  Each of the three weeks thus far have been equally hilarious as we watch the kids take off in different directions while the parents chase after them. (Camden is no exception). 

Just kind of imagine a bunch of cats in the middle of a field, with no leashes, while their owners try to teach them tricks. 

Their favorite part of the class... "Bring it in guys! 1..2..3..Water break!!"

This picture is deceiving, as it looks like Camden is about to round second base!
(The truth: Replace "round second base" with "ignore second base and just keep running straight off into the sunset").

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