Friday, August 28, 2015

Avery's First Day of Kindergarten

On Tuesday Avery and I visited her new school for orientation.  
She got to see her classroom, her desk, her classmates, and meet her new teacher, Mrs. Tippets!

Her teacher is awesome, she is great with the kids and has lots of reward systems in her classroom.  She also has her own 5 year old daughter named Avery! And she reminds us a lot of Avery's Auntie Brandi. Avery was very happy.

On Tuesday afternoon, Avery said goodbye to all her preschool teachers, and woke up VERY early Wednesday morning because she couldn't wait to put her uniform on for her first day of kindergarten.

Shortly after 8:00, Mrs. Tippets asked all the kids to put their backpacks on the hooks and find their name on the rainbow rug. Camden did not understand why he couldn't stay on the mat with all the other kids. He is so eager for school too!

Then she told the kids, "Look around the room at all your mommies and daddies. Look at all their smiles! They are so proud of you. Now blow them a kiss, and say, "I love you!" and say, "It's time for you to go!""

At that point, all the parents shuffled out, heads down, wiping their tears!!

That afternoon, I couldn't wait to pick her up, and she was so anxious to tell me about how the stuffed gingerbread man went missing from the teacher's desk... But he left clues, and they got to follow the clues all around the school until they got back to the classroom and found that he had returned to the classroom and brought a plate of cookies for all the kids. I wish my workday was that much fun!

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