Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kindergarten Graduation

Avery wrapped up her Kindergarten year with perfect attendance, and perfect scores for behavior! (And very near perfect academic marks).  We are so proud of her!

She had a couple of class singing performances leading up to her last day of school.

Avery lost a front tooth in May (her third tooth)...

All year she was pretty bummed about not getting a plastic tooth necklace from the teacher, because she did not lose any teeth during school hours. 

But on the very last day of school.... She got her necklace! 
And came home with a very big gap in her smile.

First and last day of Kindergarten (can't really tell if she grew at all because we got new front doors during the course of the year... But I'm sure she did!):

Meanwhile, Camden had a class picnic to mark the end of his first year at preschool.

We put both kids into Summer Camp together at a different school, where Camden will stay in the fall and finish out his last year of preschool and one year of TK before joining Avery at the elementary school.

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