Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Duck Bath, Take 2

Tonight Grandma Mel came over and we tried to reintroduce the duck bath.  It has been sitting out for a couple weeks, so we thought maybe Avery would be over her fears by now. We filled it with water, and she saw it, and seemed okay, so then we put her in it.....

There was an initial moment of concern...

Followed by some tears....

Followed by sheer panic...

And topped off with an escape attempt.

So on to plan B... Death to Ducky...(i.e. Duck bath is getting returned to Target).  
Not wanting to deal with any further shenanigans, I decided that
Avery has graduated from the infant bathtub into the "big girl" tub.

I loaded these photos onto the computer and thought,
Hmmm... this happy face looks familiar...

Oh yeah!  Things haven't changed much in the last 30 years...
Avery loves the water just as much as her mom did!

After the traumatizing duck encounter,
Avery was rocked peacefully to sleep by Grandma.


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