Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Week in Snapshots

Last night Josh saw me sitting on the couch with Avery.  He must have thought it looked like a good photo op, because clear out of the blue he said, "Do you want me to take a picture of you together?" I said, "Sure."  He proceeded to grab the camera and take this picture. It's hard to call this a picture of "us together" when only one of my eyeballs made it into the frame. I guess we know where his focus is!

After I saw it on the display, I made him retake it (several times).
So I'll give him credit for at least one decent one:

And of course, immediately after this adorable photo was taken,
Avery regurgitated a fountain of digested peaches all over her white shirt.

Some other shots from the week....
Trying on the monkey harness.  I plan to have her strapped into this thing 24/7 once she is walking. It's pretty cute, and his tail is the leash. Yes, it is a leash. I have no shame about putting my T-Rex -- I mean child on a leash!

Chewing on toes:

And making friends with a (less threatening) duck.
The bath got exchanged for this little guy. Avery was much more pleased.

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