Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Day in the Life

So this morning we had our second meeting with little Sophia before her return to Washington. I am regretting not getting my camera out sooner! Avery took a little nap in her stroller, and then when she woke up, I got the camera so I could get a cute picture of the girls together, only to find out that Sophia was now asleep on her mom's shoulder, and they were about to leave! So although I didn't get a cute smiley picture of the two of them sitting together like I had hoped, I did get a very sweet picture of Avery giving the sleeping Sophia a gentle hug goodbye.
Ok so it wasn't all perfect and innocent... Avery of course tried to steal Sophia's headband. (Stealing is much easier when your victim is asleep).

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Since I got a little behind on blogging this week, I thought I would offer a breakdown of our daily schedule.  It's tough to squeeze in a blog post during the week sometimes, because I am pretty thoroughly exhausted! Here's why...
5:45 am:  Alarm goes off, get up and shower, pack my lunch, eat breakfast
6:30 am:  Avery wakes up, Josh changes her and makes her a bottle
7:20 am:  Josh puts Avery in the car while I haul all her stuff and my stuff downstairs
7:45 am:  Arrive at Lizzy's, sign Avery in and kiss her goodbye (the worst part of my day!)
8:00 am:  Arrive at work, where I will spend the next 9 hours
1:00 pm:  Workout at the gym
2:00 pm:  Back to work
5:00 pm:  Pack up, leave work
5:15 pm:  Pick up Avery at Lizzy's (the best part of my day!)
5:45 pm:  Arrive home (Often Avery is asleep, so I try to get prepared for the next day before she wakes up.  This entails handwashing all the bottles from Lizzy's house, packing a fresh change of clothes for her, packing up bottles for the next day, packing up my gym clothes, feeding the cats, changing the litterbox, taking out the trash, etc.  All the while I am running down the stairs and out to the car every 2-3 minutes to make sure Avery hasn't woken up)
6:15 pm:  Avery is usually awake by now, so I bring her upstairs and change her, then play with her on the floor of her room or in the living room
7:15 pm:  Try to get Avery to eat some baby food in her highchair
8:00 pm:  Bathtime (sometimes this happens earlier if she is especially cranky)
8:10 pm:  Get Avery lotioned up, comb her hair, put her jammies on, and make her a bottle
8:15 pm:  Rock Avery to sleep
8:45 pm:  Put Avery in her crib, start getting myself ready for bed
9:30 pm:  Target bedtime, which usually ends up being 10:00 or later... Drop into bed and pass out, so I can do it all over again in 8 short hours!

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