Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekend Eggstravaganza

I'm trying to get back on track with the blog... After Avery got a little cold last Wednesday, of course we all got sick. It's the kind of virus that just hangs on and does not want to seem to go away. But we slowly seem to be getting back to normal.

Despite the runny nose, Avery has been up to her usual T-Rex tricks, which prompted the purchase of another baby gate this week.  This afternoon we will be making a trip to Target to get a new highchair. The bumbo chair has a tray and is great for feeding, but Avery can almost flip it over when she is sitting in it, so I think it's time to retire it to the garage.
Avery found a new cabinet this week; one of the few we haven't baby-proofed yet. We decided instead to just leave it unlocked, and only keep things in there that are okay for her to play with, since it will keep her quiet for an unusually long period of time.

This morning while I was making popcorn, I opened the fridge to get the butter out, and of course T-Rex crawled over immediately to touch all the items in the door.  Pretty much everything within her reach we have determined is too heavy or awkward for her to lift, so we have made it a habit of letting her play in the open fridge while we prepare food. Today, however, she threw us a curve ball.

(Needless to say, this prompted an "uh-oh").

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