Thursday, December 15, 2011

Avery's Second Birthday

Still completely behind! 

Grandma Sheila was here to visit over the weekend as well as Grandpa Dave and Melanie... So Avery has been very excited to have lots of visitors to play with her.

On Sunday morning before her birthday party, we let Avery open her birthday and Christmas presents from Boompa, Sheila, Auntie Brandi, Uncle Matt, Bo, and Zac while we Skyped with Boompa on one computer and Brandi, Bo and Zac on the other computer.

The babydoll and stroller was a big hit!

I decided to swith over to a "kid party" this year rather than going all-out like I did last year.  I also moved the party location to Bounce U so that their staff could do all the work for me and I could relax and enjoy the festivities. (I didn't really relax, but my stress level was slightly down from last year, so I guess my plan worked, at least partially)...

Avery had to be woken up a little early from her nap, so she wasn't full of smiles, but still seemed to have a fun time.

Tomorrow we set off on our first mini-vacation with Avery -- Viva Las Vegas!

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