Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Festivities

What a weekend! 

On Thursday night, we said goodbye to my Dad (Grandpa Dave) and Melanie (Mauni) as they left for their long trek back to Germany.  Finally, I have pictures of Avery with them! They were here visiting when she was born, but in the haze of new parenthood, I somehow missed out on getting a photo.   

Christmas Eve was spent at my grandparents' house:

Just before dinner, we gathered in the dining room to say grace.  Avery joined in the circle, and was a perfect angel during the entire prayer; she didn't move or make one peep.  Honestly I think she was waiting for everyone to break out into "Ring Around the Rosy" and prance in a circle. (And obviously my manners were worse than hers, as I broke the circle to grab my camera and shoot pictures while the other adults had bowed heads and closed eyes).

And Josh and I noticed that we turned over a new leaf at this event. This was the first gathering where Avery was off on her own playing with another kid (Autumn), and Josh and I were able to enjoy our dinner together in peace.  Yay!

Since Avery was such a good girl, Santa Claus visited our house that night...

Avery awoke to find this shiny new bike (trike) that he left behind!

She was so excited that we couldn't get her off of it. She opened the rest of her presents while sitting on the bike:

We eventually got her off the bike, but we didn't succeed at getting her to take off her helmet.

At 9:00 we packed up the bike to spend the day over at Gammy's house.

Our annual "kids in front of the tree on Christmas morning" photo keeps growing! And next year there will be one more under that tree... Avery is going to have a little cousin in July!

There's that helmet again...

And one last shot of Avery from this morning, laughing at the kitties playing with their new Christmas present(a drinking fountain)...

Merry Christmas to all!

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