Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Between Avery being under the weather and this pregnancy taking a harsh toll on my body and my energy levels, I have once again fallen behind.  I hope to get more pictures and stories up soon once I am feeling normal again.  Most nights I am in bed by 7:30 or 8:00 because I am either feeling nauseous, can't keep my eyes open, or a combination of the two.  And now I have caught Avery's cold so I'm basically entirely useless.  Our house looks like a tornado hit.

I have really been wishing I felt better because lately there have been a lot of cute things to blog about.  Avery's story-telling abilities are developing, and she loves to amuse me with entire episode recaps of Bubble Guppies or Dora the Explorer. She is also in a phase where she likes to watch the same cartoon episodes over and over, and likes to read the same book before bed every night.  The past couple weeks her book of choice has been "Flap Your Wings," a story about a little boy who finds an egg on the ground and puts it into an empty birds' nest. The birds come home to find a strange egg in their nest, but sit on it anyway until an alligator hatches out of it, whom they name "Junior."

So it should have come as no surprise this week when I asked Avery, "What should we name your baby brother?" and she exclaimed, "Junior!" without missing a beat.
Her other top name choices currently are:
Baby Brother (or as she says, "Baby Bruv-der")

So far she hasn't quite sold me on one yet...


  Although she is doing better now, poor Avery was sick last Sunday on Easter and missed out on family festivities, so we set up a mini egg hunt for her outside our house on Easter morning:

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