Saturday, April 28, 2012


I'm FINALLY starting to feel less nauseous and fatigued.
All three of us are FINALLY over this terrible cold...
So it was FINALLY time to empty all the pictures off the camera and post something. When I saw how many pictures there were, and how far back they went, I started to realize just how behind I am... So, less talking, more pictures this time! I need to get caught up.

Let's start at the beginning of April... A shot from Audrey's 4th birthday party:

Since about half of our family was on vacation over Easter, my mom decided to have an Easter "do-over" at her house the week after Easter.  She and Aaron set up a little egg hunt for Avery and Autumn, which they loved!

Ok moving right along... Avery graduated to the 2 year old ballet/tap class late last month. The first few classes were a little rough, as she now has to be in the room without a parent. There was a lot of sitting far away from the teacher and other girls/pouting:

But the last couple of classes have gone really well, and I feel like she is finally starting to get it and actually does better without me in the room.  She has her first dance recital coming up at the end of June, and I can't wait!  (I'm sure it will be an adorable disaster, but that's the point of putting 2 year olds on stage, right?)

After I posted about our horrible Tuesday a couple weeks ago, I thought things couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. I woke up the next morning at 4:30 am with a horribly red, irritated and sore eye. It burned and hurt to move it in any direction. I immediately panicked, concluded that I had pink eye, and called in sick to work so I wouldn't spread the infection.  Long story short, I discovered the next day that it wasn't pink eye after all, it was just an extremely strained and irritated eye from crying so hard on Tuesday morning. Need I say more.

That Thursday, however, things did start to look up, when Avery got her cast off! The cast saw was loud, but she was completely awestruck over the noise-cancelling headphones so she hardly noticed what was going on.

And although the doctor said it would be sore for a few days and it would probably take two weeks to get full range of motion back, she didn't seem too bothered a few hours later when I picked her up from Lizzy's house:

Playing at Gammy's house last weekend with some balloon animals made by Uncle Aaron:

Josh's birthday was on Thursday, so I took Avery to the grocery store after work to pick up a cake mix. She was VERY adamant and VERY loud about wanting to carry the cake mix and the frosting out to the car by herself. And NOT in a bag.  The cashiers found it amusing, I found it less so.  It's funny how she always has to do things HER (weird/slow/ridiculous) WAY when I am in a hurry.

But she loved stirring the cake mix, and she is still talking about the chocolate cake she made for daddy.

So I think that finally brings us up to today!  I took Avery to the park this morning, since she hasn't been for a while due to that pesky cast.  She had a great time and took a long nap afterwards. When she woke up, we met Uncle Aaron at the Discovery Science Center to check out the Dora the Explorer exhibit.

We stopped by Gammy's house on the way home to say hi, and took a quick walk up to the park.

So there we are, up to speed!
After dance class tomorrow, Avery will get her third park visit of the weekend.
Stay tuned!

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