Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

We've all heard the stories... Kid starts school, parent drops kid off, kid cries and clings to parent, parent has to sneak away and cries in the car because they feel so guilty.

So is it a little weird that Avery didn't cry at all, didn't seem to even mind that I was leaving her with strangers, and I was the one who was trying not to cry and cling to HER?

We got off to a little bit of a rocky start... Avery is on week seven of mysterious runny nose and this morning was no exception, so my car is full of Kleenex and she looked like she was sick when I dropped her off, even though she's not. And of course on the way to school, she rubbed her eye and got sunscreen in it, so it was all red and puffy and looking like conjunctivitis by the time we arrived.  

I was so proud of myself for charging the camera battery and remembering to put the camera in my purse.   Would have been nice if I had also remembered the memory card. And my wallet. 

I'm a mess.

Thank God for cell phone cameras...

After Avery and I got a tour of her classroom (her group is the "Monkeys") and she joined the kids back out on the playground, she was still in the process of warming up but seemed to be settling in just fine with the other kids, and her new teacher, Miss Wendy.

I waved to her from the fence and walked back to the car. (Where I may have borrowed a little of her Kleenex).

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