Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Foiled Again

Scene from our house last night:

Avery tried to shut the cat out in the hallway and lightly pinched her fingers in our bedroom door. She started to whimper and cry.  She came over to me and I kissed her fingers while Josh tried to cheer her up.  

Josh: Avery, the door didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident.
Avery: What?
Josh: The door didn't mean to hurt your fingers. The door is saying "Sorry!"
Avery: (Stops crying). No Daddy. The door isn't saying "Sorry."  It can't talk. It doesn't have a mouth.

Another airtight argument from our 2 year old that left us speechless and hysterical. Man she is getting good at this.

Avery: 2. Mom and Dad: 0.

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