Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Been a Croupy Week

Poor Avery came down with a little fever on Monday. By Tuesday, she still had a low fever and was sounding congested.  I was concerned about her because she seemed to be having a hard time breathing, so I left work early to take her to the doctor.  I had heard her cough a few times, and several of the coughs sounded like the tell-tale "seal barks" of croup cough.  As soon as the doctor walked in and I told her my concerns, she said, "I already know she has croup, I can tell by the way she's breathing. But I'm going to check her anyway."  

Sure enough, we were both right.  Avery was prescribed a steroid to help with the swelling in her throat.  Her fever went away on its own, and she seems to be improving, but she was banned from daycare for the past 2 days since croup is extremely contagious to other children.

Josh and I have been switching off staying with her and going to work.  It is so easy to tell that she isn't feeling well; she hasn't been acting like herself at all.  She won't let me set her down, even for a minute. She only wants to be held.  And typically we can put her in her crib when she gets tired, and she will lie down with her sippy cup and take a nap.  But this week, she would only scream endlessly when we left the room.  Yesterday I let her scream for almost 30 minutes (twice) before I finally got too worried about her little throat and went to her rescue, and she promptly nodded off on my lap in the rocking chair.  Today we went through a similar experience, but I didn't let her scream as long.  After a few hours of whining and eye-rubbing, she reached to get into her highchair but was not interested in eating.  I put a cartoon on for her, and the next thing I knew she was in dreamland. Poor thing!  She is just out of sorts.

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