Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lunch, Lists, and Legwarmers

Within the past couple of weeks, Avery has started to let us know when she wants to eat by walking over and saying "mmmm" as she pounds on her highchair.  I'm hoping her caveman manners will improve over time, but it is nice that she is starting to communicate with us more easily.  She does the same thing at Lizzy's house, and also knows where Lizzy keeps the snacks. She will point at the snack cupboard, and say "mmm."

I also wanted to make a list of Avery's current vocabulary, more for my own records than anything else.  It seems to be expanding rapidly, so I don't want to forget all the words I have heard her say up to this point.  Then I can add to it as she says new things.  The doctor said they expect kids to have at least 5-10 words by their 18-month checkup, so she is doing well in this area.

Frequent Words
Ba (ball)
Amma (Grandma)
Mm-mm (and shakes her head for "no")
Inky (Stinky)
Bin-buh (beanbag)
Oo-oo-oo (in response to "What does the monkey say?)
Tee-tee ("Tweet tweet," In response to "What does the birdy say?")
Baba (bottle, although this one is becoming obsolete now that she uses cups)
Mmmm (when she is eating, to indicate something is good)
Ooooooo (for lights, imitating me when I say "Oooo, lights")
Si (Spanish for "yes")

Infrequent Words/Words we have only heard her say once or twice
Puh Puh Puh (up up up)
Nanner (Tanner)
Avee (Avery)
Mao (in response to "What does the kitty say?")
Pipah (diaper)
Ojo (Spanish for "eye")
Otro (Spanish for "another")
Anana (banana)
Gurgle (turtle)
Mickey (Mickey Mouse)
Piper (for our cat Piper, not for "diaper," although they sound similar when she says them)
Kih (kids)
Ba (box)
Ha ha
And last but not least, some pictures of her this afternoon wearing her awesome legwarmers made by Auntie Jennifer:

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