Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese's

Today Avery was invited to a birthday party for one of her friends from daycare, so we spent the afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese's (which I like to call "The Petri Dish").  That place is louder than a Monster Truck rally and has no shortage of shrieking rugrats and bacteria.  Luckily Avery is too small to climb up into the overhead tunnels, so she was content to just wander around and watch the other kids play.

I think part of the reason I have an aversion to Chuck E. Cheese's is because I still remember a trip there as a kid with my family, where we witnessed a little boy punching Chuck E. Cheese in the stomach (the real-live-person-in-a-costume Chuck E., not the animatronic Chuck E). The teen girl inside the fur suit became enraged, and started chasing the little boy around the restaurant.  I remember Aaron and I watching in horror as we realized this was not a lighthearted chase; this was an angry, vengeful pursuit. Most of what happened next is a blur, but I do remember Chuck E. Cheese taking off her oversized head so she could see who she was chasing, losing a foot during the action, and a little kid picking up the big fuzzy rodent foot and toddling off before the teenager was escorted into the back through an "Employees Only" door (where I'm sure she received her final paycheck and was sent packing).

No such horror today (unless you count a pushy woman smacking Avery in the head with her wrecking-ball thigh and violently knocking her down). When we first got there, Avery was a little unsure of what was going on. I was nervous that she was going to freak out over the giant animatronic rat (whom the little boy pictured below was calling "creepy").

But that turned out to be her favorite thing.

 Probably because she has no mental scars from Chuck E. (at least not yet)...

Although she started getting extremely tired towards the end,
the highlight of her day was when Lizzy showed up! 

Lizzy took her on a couple rides and carried her around, so Josh and I got a little time to sit together and enjoy some birthday cake.

Avery passed out in her carseat about 30 seconds into the drive home. 
She awoke with renewed energy and we had a fun, playful evening.

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