Friday, February 4, 2011

More Videos...

I spent the better part of my week trying to get a video of Avery showing off her bellybutton.  Earlier in the week, we had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: Avery, can you say "Bellybutton?"
Avery: Baby.
Me: Bel-ly
Avery: Baby
Me: But-ton.
Avery: But-tuh.
Me: Bellybutton.
Avery: Bee-bee-bee-bee.

I thought it was so funny, although as the week went on she got a little better at saying it.  Now it sounds something like "Bey-Buh."  She also knows where to find her bellybutton and will sometimes lift up her shirt so she gets her finger on it exactly. 
However, every time I turned on the camera and asked her to either say "bellybutton" or find her bellybutton, she ignored me and would get distracted with something else.  So instead I have these videos to share.

Josh doing some trick shooting while Avery watches.

Although Josh could reportedly throw and catch a ball at 10 months old, Avery doesn't seem to have inherited this athletic talent.  She is more interested in books and electronics at the moment. So Josh has given up on playing sports with her, and has resorted to playing catch with the cat.  (Notice that towards the end of the video, Avery shouts out "ball!" and reaches up to get the ball, but Josh ignores her! I gave him a hard time about it, and he said, "Well, she won't play catch with me. But Tyson will").

Avery has occasionally been eating small veggie pieces at mealtimes, but tonight she decided it would be more fun to squish all the peas with her fingers and then put the veggies back into the container instead of in her tummy.

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